Friday, September 21, 2007

Today in afterschool.... Chess Jeopardy!!!!

Afterschool chess club today (Friday 21) will feature advanced and beginning Chess Jeopardy, and a blitz tournament!!!
Pizza coupons for Jeopardy Champions!
Ms Vicary


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Amani would like to learn to use the comments.

Anonymous said...

chess....jeopardy?? Do u have to say 'what is pawn e4?'

Anonymous said...

why there have to be chess jeopardy why can't there be chess wheel of fortune ^.^

The FR3$H is BAK said...

Can u guys have this website

Mr. Invinsible said...

Chess Wheel of Fourtune?

Mr. Invinsible said...

That's stupid!

El grand Campion said...

i think markel is the best
he is a chanpion
n mr galvin should drink chocolate milk 4 breafast instead of DIET Pepsi

The FR3$H is BAK said...

i agree wit el grand champion

Mr. Invinsible said...

Amani is the best. Everyone knows that. By the way Mr.G is going to get you, Sedric Nurse!

Anonymous said...
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