Friday, September 21, 2007

Mr. Sher's first lesson went great on Thursday. Outstanding participants included Darrian Robinson, Michael Peguero, and new star Alexis paredes! Let's hope we remember the 5 rules of pawn endgames in our tournament games


Anonymous said...

Darrian isn't the star i am Micheal

Anonymous said...

i better than her

Anonymous said...

Can u guys have this website

Anonymous said...

its not mines but it has you playing a computer.

Anonymous said...

i know something that you don't know and it is that Micheal Pedgayo is the meanest person in the school and Rochelle is her mini-me

Anonymous said...

wats mikys rating 1800+ o 1900

Anonymous said...

English is a drag

Mr. Invinsible said...

Micheal is mean!

El grand Campion said...

I think Michael is cool n the Person that is better thatn him R the following

Me = Sedrick
Kevin I =maybe
Ms Vucary =the coolest teacher
Rochelle=the Best Girl player
n Moises= the awesome person
i admire how Mr g handles his chess home work
nb how Kevin hasn t don anything gud
also the return of darrian
n the masacre of Michael peguere
but Kevin needs 2 do his Home work
n Markel is the best

Mr. Invinsible said...

Where is my name on this list? Never mind you, Sedrick, and your dumb opinions about who is the best( amazing how most times he talks about Rochelle!). I have my own opinions and you guyshave no skill compared to my POWER!

Mr. Invinsible said...

Darrian is the best girl player. Rochelle....

Mr. Invinsible said...

Richell is like #3

Anonymous said...

Rochelle is like NOTHING